In just a few decades plastics have become omnipresent in our society. But, unfortunately, the consequences of their use last far beyond their useful lifetime. Everyone is aware of their overwhelming dispersion in our landscapes. The situation in the oceans is not better [1]. As a reaction, a few thoughts spring to my mind. First of […]
Author: Ignasi Puig Ventosa
Ignasi Puig Ventosa is head of projects at ENT Environment and Management and Fundació ENT in Barcelona. Previously, he has worked as environment advisor for the Spanish Parliament (Madrid) and as external researcher at the OECD (Paris). He is an industrial engineer, economist and holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences. His main research area is the use of market-based instruments related to environmental policy, with particular focus on municipal waste management. He has written several books on this topic, in addition to many technical and scientific papers in national and international peer-reviewed journals.