Challenges in Hazardous Medical Waste Management


Medical waste management is a concern of healthcare facilities all over the world; about 10-20% of the facility’s budget every year is spent on waste disposal. According to the WHO, about 85% of the total amount of generated waste is non hazardous but the remaining 15% is considered infectious, toxic or radioactive. While non-hazardous medical waste poses […]

Here’s What To Expect With Your First Environmental Inspection

environmental inspection process

An environmental inspection gives the organization crucial information that will help it create a successful program for ongoing environmental improvement. All investigations, from on-site visits to data gathering and analysis, are taken into account to control their environmental impact. It also assists in finding ways to improve waste management, and eventually comply with environmental laws. […]

Ways to Lower Your Carbon Footprint in Life and Death


As global warming threatens our planet, an increasing number of people are becoming conscious of how daily life creates a significant impact upon the environment. But have many people considered how their death can affect the environment? Death is the only certainty in life, and it is time that humans think about how they can […]

Benefits of Wide Access Doors for Green Buildings

wide access doors for commercial buildings

Are you considering green technology or green buildings? If you plan to incorporate designs that will help the environment, you should consider wide access doors in your planning! There are various ways to increase the energy efficiency of your commercial buildings to decrease damage to the environment. As the years progress, experts continue to create […]

The Benefits of Green Building

advantages of green buildings

Each year, we see the effects of global warming drastically increase. The World Meteorological Organization reported that in the last 50 years, the number of climate-change-driven weather calamities increased by five. With this information coming to light, we must act now to prevent these disasters from worsening. One simple step is to integrate sustainable practices […]

Pet Waste Management in the UK – Prospects and Challenges


Pet waste is a growing public health and environmental risk. According to a report commissioned by the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association, 13 million UK households (45%) keep pets of some kind. Cats and dogs are each kept by 8.5 million households (these numbers are not additive, as some will of course keep both). Can those […]

Everything You Need To Know About Green Hosting and Green Hosting Providers

Why Is Green Hosting Important

The Internet has outgrown its infancy and is expanding tremendously at previously unheard-of rates. Originally just plain text, user-generated content has developed into a variety of multimedia formats, including audio and video. The bulk of the servers hosting this material is located in data centers. Numerous servers in these enormous facilities manage everything from business […]

Top 5 Most Popular Green Buildings In The World

empire state building

The world is becoming more environmentally conscious today, and people are beginning to see the importance of sustainable living. One way this is being manifested is in the construction of green buildings. These structures are designed with the environment in mind, using materials and strategies that minimise their impact on the earth. Here we will […]

Role of Environmental Human Rights and Our Responsibilities


There is a broad consensus that human beings have the right to enjoy an environment suitable for personal development. In reality, this right is also a duty since it requires for its viability that human activity itself does not impede the enjoyment of this right. It is moving from mere enforceability to the sphere of […]

Addressing India’s Waste Management Problems


Out of all the measures that are necessary in addressing India’s impending waste management crisis, the most efficient will be changes at the national policy and planning level. It is well-known among the small but growing waste management sector that urban India will hit rock bottom due to improper waste management. Unfortunately, they think such […]

Waste Management in Olive Oil Industry


The olive oil industry offers valuable opportunities to farmers in terms of seasonal employment as well as significant employment to the off-farm milling and processing industry.  While this industry has significant economic benefits in regards to profit and jobs; the downside is it leads to severe environmental harm and degradation. In 2012, an estimated 2,903,676 […]

5 Common Soil Contaminants in Urban Areas

Common Soil Contaminants in Urban Areas

Soil is a very important part of the preservation and continuation of life. Healthy soil is essential for growing healthy crops and plants for human and animal nutrition. Soil is usually uncontaminated, but due to human activities, toxic substances get into the soil, harming plants and animals. Many people live in urban areas; hence more […]

A Handy Guide to Ecotherapy

green entrepreneurship

Ecotherapy is an emerging therapeutic treatment method aimed toward treating both physical health and psychological issues by detoxifying the body. The essential idea behind ecotherapy is that the human being is connected to the natural environment and is impacted by the changes happening in the external environment on account of environmental toxins. Detoxification of the […]

The Environmental Benefits of Using Titanium


When titanium was first brought into widespread usage, it was lauded for its strong and weathering-resistant properties. Due to energy costs, production declined over the past 10 years; however, a new process established by the UK’s Dstl has reduced titanium processing time by 50%. The result –  Cheap, low-energy titanium production. Titanium is used in […]

All You Need to Know About the Benefits Of Natural Gas


All areas of our lives are literally run by energy. And with various options of energy consumption choices, it’s always good to know the benefits of each one of them so that you make a great consumer choice. Today, in this article, we are focusing on natural gas and are going to take you through […]

Foam Packaging: Take the Bull by the Horns


New York City and Oxford are two prominent examples of local authorities that have tried to restrict the use of foam packaging for takeaway food and drink, arguing that doing so would reduce the environmental impact of waste in a way that alternative approaches could not. In both cases, the intervention of packaging manufacturers has […]

5 Top Ways to Reduce the Impact of Indoor Air Pollution


Indoor air pollution is one of the greatest environmental dangers of the 21st century. According to the World Health Organization, more than 7 million people die each year due to the adverse impacts of air pollution on respiratory, cardiovascular and neurovascular systems. Recent studies have also found that the indoor air pollution can also have […]

5 Benefits of Biodegradable Packaging for Businesses


Consumers want companies to reflect their values. They’re far more likely to purchase from a business with an identity, whether it manifests in charitable efforts or eco-friendly practices. As a greater number of people show interest in green living, biodegradable packaging presents an opportunity for growth. That said, the virtues of eco-friendly packaging extend beyond […]

Environmental Benefits of Polyurethane

Stated by urethane manufacturers, today’s manufacturing community is becoming increasingly mindful of environmental impacts that arise during industrial processes. Industrial recycling, waste to energy systems, and emissions improvements are just part of a wide-ranging effort to minimize the impact of manufacturing on the environment. Plastics have become a lightning rod for environmental commentators, as pictures […]

Everything You Need to Know About a Paperless Office

a paper free office

Businesses are the largest users of papers and this is taking a heavy toll on the forests and other natural resources. The paper production process consumes a lot of wood and water, besides generating effluents which are harmful for the environment.  One of the best ways a business can become environmentally-friendly is to minimize the […]

The Top 5 Benefits of Electric Vehicles

advantages of electric cars

These days, it seems like everyone is trying to be more environmentally conscious. One of the best ways to do that is to switch to an eco-friendly car. Electric vehicles (EVs) have many advantages over traditional gasoline-powered cars. Here are the top five benefits of electric vehicles: 1. Electric vehicles are better for the environment […]

A Glimpse Into The Sustainable Megacities Of The Future

Sustainable Megacities Of The Future

Megacities are generally defined as cities with a population greater than 10 million. With this strict definition, it is no surprise that there are only around 30 or 40 megacities across the world. Alongside this, ‘sustainability’ and ‘megacity’ are terms that are almost inherently at odds with one another. By their very design, megacities rely […]

10 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Green

a paper free office

We should all be looking for ways to make our lifestyles more green. Of course, it’s up to the major corporations to alter their practices in order to protect the planet as well, but we can all do our part to make things that little bit better for the environment. You might think that doing […]

Best Practices for a Green Business

ecofriendly home

Looking for ways to make businesses greener is a growing trend. Waste and destruction are just bad public relations while making an effort to clean up your act is increasingly supported by customers and employees alike. There are a number of myths about sustainability, such as the belief that it will cost you more money. […]

Measures To Decrease The Pollution Caused By Bitcoin Mining

how to decrease pollution caused by bitcoin mining

The Bitcoin community is facing a serious problem of pollution. A study conducted by different sources showed that the electricity consumed by Bitcoin mining is equivalent to the annual energy usage of entire countries like Ireland and Hungary, being a shocking revelation surrounding the crypto realm. With this alarming situation, the community needs to find […]

What Is The Environmental Impact Of Cryptocurrency?

Reasons Why Popularity Of Bitcoin Is Getting On Its Peak

The negative environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining is significant, and the problem is only getting worse. Bitcoin Motion uses a lot of energy, which means that it consumes a lot of natural resources. The need for these natural resources in the ever evolving success marked by the bitcoin period is increasing as more and more […]

Tips for Using Green Energy to Power Your Life

Using Green Energy to Power Your Life

Are you interested in using more eco-friendly technology to power your life? And are you trying to find greener methods of energy that are just as efficient as coal, oil, or gas? If so, read on! Use Green Charging and Power Stations for Your Devices Think of all the times you charge your phone, plug […]

Finding the Most Appropriate Renewable Energy

Energy is very important nowadays. Contemporary people can hardly imagine their existence without it. Humans has always tried to produce cheaper and safe energy. Nature provides us with the energy we can renew daily. It provides people with the benefit which nobody can argue. It almost has no negative impact on the surrounding and is […]

How To Pursue A Career In Environmental Management: Everything You Need To Know

How To Pursue A Career In Environmental Management

Environmental management is a broad field that includes many different job roles. People working in environmental management may work in a private company, government agency, non-profit organisation, or university. A career in environmental management may be right for you if you have a passion for the environment and want to make a positive impact throughout […]

How Can I Make My Business More Environmentally Friendly?

ways businesses can become greener

Climate change is quickly becoming a major issue. While it has long been a problem, we are starting to see the direct results of global warming. Each year is hotter than the last, we are losing wildlife, and many of the natural resources we need to survive are depleting faster than we can replenish them. […]

Best Ways To Reduce Waste

top ways to reduce waste

We deal with waste every day and its becoming problematic. It is our responsibility to become aware of our own personal impact to the environment. Even if we hire a good rubbish clearance company to remove our waste, still is our duty to think about the consequences and to try following some good methods and […]

Learn More About Natural Disaster-Related Phobias and How To Get Help

types of natural disaster-related phobia

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. Phobias are specific mental health conditions that are caused by a fear of something (or multiple things) that can be compulsive, obsessive, and terrifying for the person experiencing them. Some of the most common phobias that exist are phobias of natural disasters. Natural disasters are becoming […]

Why Procrastination is a Common Response to the Climate Crisis and What To Do About It

why we procrastinate climate change

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. Have you been noticing yourself procrastinating or trying to put thoughts of the climate crisis out of mind, even though you care greatly about it? This procrastination of action is a very common response to the crisis, and it’s actually the reason that many people do […]

Dealing With Pessimism About the State of the World? 7 Ways to Calm Climate Crisis Anxiety in 2022

ways to calm climate crisis anxiety

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. Anxiety and stress are common side effects of the state of our world in 2022. Climate change was a big thing on many people’s radars until 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Since then, the world has been flung into a state of chaos, and the […]

Using Persuasion to Bring Awareness to Climate Change

ways to use persuasion to bring awareness to the reality of climate change

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. We’ve all heard about the changes in our climate in the past years. Many people have started to look for ways to go greener in an effort to reverse the effects of climate change and live a more sustainable life. However, some people simply do not […]

Creating an Eco-Friendly Project Site

Creating an Eco-Friendly Project Site

Creating a worksite for construction is already a tough task, you have to get all the workers, tools, set up transportation of resources and materials, source the whereabouts of where this will take place, and more. It can be daunting at times, as you have a lot to plan and think about, plus the costs […]

What Constitutes Hazardous Waste?

what is hazardous waste

Hazardous waste is any waste that poses significant health and environmental risks. This waste comes from various sources, including commercial processes and household activities. Examples of waste generated commercially include painting wastes and cleaning solvents. In homes, common types include batteries, fluorescent lamps, and computer monitors. Characterization of Hazardous Waste The EPA lists four characteristics […]

IT Asset Management and How It Can Help The Environment

How IT asset management can help the environment

Did you know that the IT industry is one of the world’s largest consumers of energy? In fact, it’s responsible for up to 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why it’s important for organizations to adopt effective IT asset management practices. By doing so, they can not only save money and reduce their carbon […]

Food Waste Management


The waste management hierarchy suggests that reduce, reuse and recycling should always be given preference in a typical waste management system. However, these options cannot be applied uniformly for all kinds of wastes. For examples, food waste is quite difficult to deal with using the conventional 3R strategy. Of the different types of organic wastes […]

9 Eco-Friendly Home Features to Check for When Buying a House

bamboo as a construction material

Homeowners are becoming more eco-conscious by the day. From installing water-efficient appliances to solar panels, home buyers are looking to incorporate greener options into their home designs. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, you’ll need to shop for the following. How to Find a Realtor Who Can Help You Pick the Perfect Home […]

How to Start Eco-Business Internationally?


Doing business today is, perhaps, one of the hottest trends that have held its high position for a number of years now. If you want to make more than enough money, you should totally start your own business or, at least, purchase a franchise and go ahead from there. Yet, if you’re already in the […]

5 Sustainable Blockchain Players To Pay Attention to in 2022

environmentally friendly blockchain players

There are many blockchain players to keep an eye on this year, including Algorand. However, there are five, in particular, to really pay attention to. If you do, you’ll notice that sustainability is a common theme across some industry players. 1. Cardano In regards to market cap, this is among the top five overall crypto […]

10 Green Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs

green entrepreneurship

Out of some of the hottest trends that have been on the top lists for quite a while are choosing an entrepreneur as the primary occupation and doing an eco-friendly business. While the former is primarily motivated by making money to afford quite a comfy living, the latter is usually motivated by something else. And […]