benefits of CDN

How Do CDNs Work?

Why do “heavy” multi-page portals with a lot of graphic and video content sometimes open faster than sites with several pictures per page? A high resource loading speed often indicates that the site uses CDN.

benefits of CDN

Data transfer at maximum speed

In simple terms, CDN hosting is a network infrastructure with a distributed platform base that is intended to reduce content delivery time.

That is, it is a group of specially configured servers located in different geopoints. Platforms function as nodes, allowing data to be rapidly downloaded to nearby users. As a result, large CDN with surrounding information centers can significantly reduce the load time of remote sites.

The usual scheme for transferring data on the Internet (without using CDN) is implemented in such a way that all users receive information directly from a specific info center, which can be located arbitrarily far away.

CDN, on the other hand, allows you to download data instantly, within seconds. It makes no difference where the source platform is located.

Which websites should use CDN technology

The target clients of CDN providers are primarily portals with an abundance of heavy static info and streaming services. The speed of loading resources in this case seriously affects the experience of users who, in case of a serious slowdown, will simply leave the “slowing down” site or service. Speeding up web resources with heavy data is very important not only to attract an audience but also to maintain user loyalty.

Benefits of cooperation

An expert in content delivery is G-Core Labs. Turning to us, you do not need to worry about all the technical details and subtleties of settings. We will connect this service to your site and take care of its correct operation.

Thanks to the developments that we have been using for more than a year, we have been able to automate and make our product more accessible to customers.

We provide our clients with:

  • Complete automation when dealing with virtual dedicated info-centers, including management and gathering statistics on server resource use.
  • Possibility to install any operating system.

A paid hosting plan provides time for a free trial period, which you can always use before paying for the service.

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