Waste Minimisation – Role of Public, Private and Community Sector

When it comes to waste minimisation and moving material up the waste hierarchy you will find partisan advocates for the roles of the public, private and community sectors. Each will tell you the reasons why their sector’s approach is the best. The private sector will extol their virtues as the only ones capable of efficiently […]

Circular Economy: Past, Present and Future

Circular Economy

For a society accustomed to the achievements of a linear economy, the transition to a circular economic system is a hard task even to contemplate. Although the changes needed may seem daunting, it is important to remember that we have already come a long way. However, the history of the waste hierarchy has taught that […]

Circular Economy: Viewpoint of Plastic

circular economy

Pieces of plastic have been trying to get our attention. The first scientific reports of plastic pollution in oceans were in the early 1970s. This waste plastic soaks up other pollutants at up to a million times the concentration in water, harming and killing sea life worldwide. From the point of view of the plastic, […]

Plastic Wastes and Role of EPR


In just a few decades plastics have become omnipresent in our society. But, unfortunately, the consequences of their use last far beyond their useful lifetime. Everyone is aware of their overwhelming dispersion in our landscapes. The situation in the oceans is not better [1]. As a reaction, a few thoughts spring to my mind. First of […]

5 Key Tips for a Successful Waste Recycling Strategy

Four recycle bins of different colors

In an era marked by environmental awareness, crafting an effective waste recycling strategy is essential for individuals, communities, and businesses alike. Adopting sustainable practices not only reduces the strain on landfills but also contributes to the conservation of earth’s precious resources. This article presents five crucial tips that can pave the way for a successful […]

Zero Waste Manufacturing: How Can We Transition to a Circular Economy?

zero waste manafacturing

Waste is an inevitable aspect of being human in today’s world — or so most people believe. But what if we told you that reducing and even eliminating waste is possible? All we have to do to get to that point is convince a few key industry sectors to start doing things a bit differently. […]

Solid Waste Management – History and Future Outlook

The disposal of municipal solid waste is the second most major concern for public health in developing countries because of population explosion, rampant poverty and high urbanization rates combined with poor government funding to curb waste management. Factors such as waste composition, technologies and lack of infrastructure have been found to set apart the good […]