How to Make Your House as Eco-friendly as Possible?


Environmental concerns are more widespread than they ever have been, thanks to high-profile documentaries, a raft of alarming science, and some determined activism from green pressure groups. And these concerns are helping to shape the modern home, too. There are myriad environmentally-friendly ways in which the environmental impact of your home can be lessened. Some […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Renewable Energy

beginners guide to renewable energy

Renewable energy is all around us; we just need to figure out how to use it in our daily lives. We’ve all heard about renewable energy and the numerous benefits of switching from fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas to wind power, solar power, biofuels, hydroelectricity, and hydrogen fuel cells. But what is […]

Save Energy and Money – With a Heat Pump Water Heater

benefits of heat pump water heater

With the high cost of living today, everyone’s looking for a way to save money and if they can also save energy in the process and help the environment, even better. Installing a heat pump hot water heater is one way to do both at the same time. Here’s how: What are Heat Pump Water […]

5 Tips for an Energy-Efficient Home

Energy-Saving Tips for Small Businesses

Living in a house is often comfortable or even idyllic but tends to get rather expensive. After all, a typical home offers significantly more space than most apartments. A lot of it is likely taken by numerous appliances, each one working around the clock to satisfy the home dwellers. When one of them breaks, it […]

Your Choices for Alternative Energy


While using alternative sources of energy is a right way for you to save money on your heating and cooling bills, it also allows you to contribute in vital ways to both the environment and the economy.  Renewable energy sources are renewable, environmentally sustainable sources that do not create any by-products that are released into […]