5 Ways Solar Energy Positively Impacts The Environment

Solar energy is one of the most eco-friendly power sources out there. And because of the environmental benefits of solar energy, an increasing number of homeowners and business owners are having solar panels mounted on their properties.

As a green alternative, solar power doesn’t only help reduce power costs but also provides numerous benefits to the natural surroundings. Below you’ll find just a few of solar energy’s most notable impacts on the planet.

solar energy diy


1. Promotes Water Conservation

Water is an essential natural resource, and if people continue to use it unabatedly, it may run out sooner rather than later. Traditional power generation and transmission processes use significant amounts of water to cool generators and refine and transport fuel through pipes. The same is true whether the facility uses natural gas, nuclear power, or coal power to meet massive electricity demand.

Solar energy, however, doesn’t require water to produce electricity, so it doesn’t further strain water resources. Residential solar panels maintenance works only require periodic rinses and removal of debris and other types of obstruction. In addition, it doesn’t give off wastewater, so it doesn’t contribute to water pollution.

2. Reduces Greenhouse Gases And Carbon Emissions

Most of the energy we use on the planet is produced from burning fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide. This chemical compound generates heat once released into the atmosphere, that’s why it’s called a greenhouse gas. It’s said that carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for more than a thousand years, worsening global warming and negatively impacting the weather systems.

With solar panels meeting residential and commercial electrical needs, fossil fuels don’t have to be burned to make appliances and other power-hungry devices work. Making your home more self-sufficient by mounting solar panels on your roof isn’t only a way to reduce your electricity expenses but a planet-saving measure as well since it relies on a stable and renewable energy source.

3. Avoids Strain On Earth’s Non-renewable Resources

The majority of the world’s current power sources, such as natural gas, oil, and coal, aren’t infinite like the rest of the Earth’s natural resources. As the population continues to grow, so are the demands for those assets. This imbalance continues to strain the Earth’s finite resources, such as fossil fuel. In the face of fast-depleting natural reserves, humans should tap other means of renewable energy sources and minimize their use of the current supply available.

Solar Energy Guide for Students

Switching to solar energy is one great way to preserve the planet’s power resources and lower the demand for them. The sun is nature’s main energy reservoir. It’s said to generate about 173,000 terawatts of solar energy per second. Comparatively, the world’s electricity consumption for 2018 was pegged at 23,398 terawatt-hours. Best of all, solar energy is accessible as long as the sun’s still shining.

4. Helps Slow Down Climate Change

When released into the atmosphere, dangerous emissions from burning fossil fuels damage the environment. What’s more, they can contribute to global warming and extremely erratic climate patterns.

Methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrous oxide can amplify the greenhouse effect. Under normal circumstances, the greenhouse effect is a natural process of warming the earth, making it suitable for life. Unfortunately, processing fossil fuels to generate energy has led to abnormally warmer temperatures at unprecedented rates. As a result, the planet has experienced highly dramatic weather disturbances, including unpredictable atmospheric conditions, violent storms, extreme flooding, and severe drought.

Solar panels produce electricity without emitting dangerous chemicals or toxic gases. As more homes and buildings are switching to the use of solar panels, the current power generation practices are expected to become more environment-friendly. With solar energy, you don’t need to burn fuel and exacerbate the greenhouse effect.

5. Minimizes Air Pollution

Besides the environmentally harmful carbon dioxide, burning fossil fuels can generate other hazardous gases such as methane and sulfur dioxide. These toxic chemicals are released into the air and decrease air quality.

air pollution repurcussions

Such gases can endanger people’s health and well-being. Various health problems are linked to long-term exposure to air pollution. These include lung cancer, asthma attacks, allergies, lung diseases, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and headaches, to name a few. Inversely, you won’t have any of those problems with solar energy since it doesn’t produce toxic emissions that harm people and the environment.

Wrap Up

Energy use is essential for human existence. But common power generation methods, for the most part, have proven to be detrimental to the planet and human beings. Access to sustainable and eco-friendly energy sources should be a priority for everyone, and you can do your part by harnessing solar energy for your own power requirements.

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Salman Zafar
Salman Zafar is the CEO of BioEnergy Consult, and an international consultant, advisor and trainer with expertise in waste management, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, environment protection and resource conservation. His geographical areas of focus include Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biogas technology, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. Salman has participated in numerous national and international conferences all over the world. He is a prolific environmental journalist, and has authored more than 300 articles in reputed journals, magazines and websites. In addition, he is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability through his blogs and portals. Salman can be reached at salman@bioenergyconsult.com or salman@cleantechloops.com.

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